Oct 8, 2009


Blogging is so much more difficult when you have to write for a living.

It's not just blogging, I've slowed down on reading books as well. I used to be a fast reader. I could finish a book in one week, give or take.....but now it takes a month even. And I try to read one chapter every night...Perhaps I am just not reading the 'right' books.

But now that I've got 'Marley & Me' by my side, I feel like the old me again. John Grogan's tale of his old best friend Marley is a pleasure to read. So smooth and easy to get into. I feel like I'm apart of his life and am growing up with Marley myself. Such a good feeling that is, to be able to sink into a book. To escape from the realities of life. Escapism - the reason I started to read books in the first place - but more about that later.

Just have to get back to Marley...

Sep 20, 2009

Never the same!

After a little over a year of being a writer/journalist for a newspaper, I am starting to get excited about assignments.

Some days the assignments are easy peasy, other days not so. But on many many occasions, I am inspired by the people I meet, many for small little things they do. Sometimes the inspiration happens instantly, like last weekend; when Datuk Bridget Menezes said "the greatest disease of the mind is thinking too much!".

Other times it takes a little time to sink in, like the one when I met Ashley Fruno aka The Lettuce Lady, who was at Pavillion a few weeks back.

Ashley's peaceful campaign to let "Vegetarianism Grow On You" took its time to make an impact on me. Although her fresh, green gown of lettuce was an inspiring fashion statement, the real message, I received a few days later at home enjoying tandoori chicken while watching tv.

Just then I heard a voice in my head go "In every package of chicken, there's a little poop." (Just like it did in the video Chew On This -Reasons To Go Vegetarian).

And suddenly tandoori chicken wasn't so yummy anymore.

Thanks Ashley and Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Thanks a lot for ruining tandoori chicken for me.

Aug 31, 2009

Merdeka Hope

Every time Merdeka Day comes by, I am filled with envy.

Envy of the spirit that lies in the heart of the older generation, many of whom have strugggled when the Japanese, Communists and British held the ultimate power in Malaya.

One of my dad's favourite stories is how he was at the Square in Malacca with his dad, joining in thousands of others and Tunku Abdul Rahman who declared independence over the British. He was 14 at the time.

These days the spirit of Merdeka is almost non-existent. For many it is just another public holiday. There is no spirit, no excitement, not an inch of gratitude, especially among the younger generation. Not that you can blame them, sometimes. The negatives outweigh the positives.

On a grander scale, there is progress, there is development, but when it comes down to what matters most - what is in the heart, we seem to have gone backwards.

Every Merdeka I wish that there is a little bit more spirit in me and everyone of us, especially those who have the privilige of changing the country.

And I hope for a hearty, whole and happy Malaysia.

Aug 6, 2009


Editor Irwan says we have to come up with ideas for feature stories. So I thought to kick things off I should brainstorm.

What am I interested in? (On a broad scale, soon to be narrowed down)

1. The un-environmentally conscious Malaysians
2. The deplorable condition of libraries in Kuala Lumpur
3. The development of the local art scene
4. Getting the younger generation to develop their English language skills
5. Cultural-ish stuff (to be expanded upon)

I am also taking any ideas for this new project, no matter silly or serious. If you have one (and don't want to use it yourself) please leave me a comment. Gracias!

Aug 1, 2009

Inspirational Yasmin

It has been a bit more than a week now since Yasmin Ahmad passed away.

And I have been thinking about her off and on since then.

I wish I had a chance to talk to her, to interview the great mind behind the simple and yet powerful ads and movies. She was so inspiring, truly Malaysian in heart and soul.

I wish I could come up with stories like she did. To write stories with the potential to change minds and lives like that would be any writer's dream come true, including me.

The melancholic in me is again reminded of my own journey. Of taking time off and smelling the roses. Taking opportunities that come by. Enjoying life to the best of my ability. And making a difference in the lives of those around me.

Thank you Yasmin for giving us a little more spirit, hope and dreams.

You will be remembered. You will be missed.

Jul 22, 2009

My name is Anu and I'm a bagaholic!

I love bags. Different sizes, colours, made from materials. Many women have a closetful of shoes. Me, I like them bags. Bags to me, is like what that blue, old blanket is for Linus (of Peanuts fame). Yeah, my bag is my security blanket. The world is mine, all mine, if I have my bag.

When it's time for window shopping, I look at bags. Impulse purchases? Bags as well. Favourite present to get (besides books) definitely a BAG!

While many women (and some metrosexual men) these days go out of their way to get the latest Gucci, Fendi, Louis Vuitton what is interesting is the handbag was created way back in the 14th century, as depicted in primodal Egyptian hieroglyphics showing them attached at the waist - called 'pockets'.

Can you imagine that these prehistoric bags were used more often by males than females? Seriously!!?? Now I've got this image of an Eqyptian pharaoh walking around with a bag attached to his waist.

People started taking bags serious in the 16th century. They used materials such as leather to produce a composition for holding everyday possessions.

With the rise of fashion as women in the 18th century, when women were allowed to be more revealing in their clothing styles. women found it necessary for stylish handbags to carry their essential tools including makeup kits, jewelry, fans, face powder, playing cards, and smelling salts. Purses was gradually popular, and the handbag industry began its evolution into what it has become today.

My current favourite is Tiny Tapir's funky reusable bags. Lightweight, colourful and able to hold weight up to 20kg, the bag is perfect for any shopping trip. And you save the environment too! For more information on the bags (and more environmentally friendly products) check out: www.tinytapir.com/
U can't have too much money, or too many bags.

Jul 17, 2009

Breathing again

For around four months, I felt like I was on an isolated island, away from the mainland where it all 'happened'.

Then I got used to it on my own, doing my own thing, trying to stay afloat.

Now suddenly it feels like someone has thrown me a lifebuoy. I see light on the other side. I am closer to life now. And for that I am grateful.

I can breathe again.